Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Constraint Analysis of SHG members of National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) in Banda District (U.P.)


  • Shakti Singh PG Scholar, Department of Agricultural Extension, CoA, BUAT, Banda-210001(U.P.)
  • Bhanu Prakash Mishra Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension, CoA, BUAT, Banda-210001(U.P.)
  • Pankaj Kumar Ojha Assistant Professor, CoA, BUAT, Banda-210001(U.P.)
  • Abhishek Kalia Assistant Professor, CoA, BUAT, Banda-210001(U.P.)
  • Gaurav Shukla Assistant Professor, CoA, BUAT, Banda-210001(U.P.)
  • B. K. Gupta Assistant Professor, CoA, BUAT, Banda-210001(U.P.)
  • A.P. Verma Assistant Professor, CoA, BUAT, Banda-210001(U.P.)
  • Dheeraj Mishra Assistant Professor, CoA, BUAT, Banda-210001(U.P.)




Entrepreneurial behaviour, Self-help groups, NRLM, Women


The study analyzes the entrepreneurial behaviour of self help groups in Banda district of Uttar Pradesh. Out of the eight blocks, Badhokhar Khurd block was selected and a total of 120 respondents who were members of Self-help groups’ were selected by using proportionate random sampling method and interviewed with the help of pretested structured interview schedule. The results revealed that majority of the respondents (65.84%) came under medium level of entrepreneurial behavior while very few members of SHG functioning under National Rural Livelihood Mission exhibited high level of entrepreneurial behaviour (20.83%). It was further observed that education, annual income, occupation, mass media use, marketing orientation and economic motivation had positive and significant correlation at 0.01% level of significance while others variable extension contact and  social participation had positive and significant correlation at 0.05% levels of significance. Findings regarding constraints revealed that lack of knowledge among members of SHG on market trend of its products and limited marketing of SHG products were the major constraints faced by SHG members functioning under National Rural Livelihood Mission.


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How to Cite

Singh, S. ., Mishra, B. P., Ojha, P. K. ., Kalia, A. ., Shukla, G. ., Gupta, B. K. ., Verma, A. ., & Mishra, D. . (2021). Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Constraint Analysis of SHG members of National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) in Banda District (U.P.). Journal of Extension Systems, 37(2), 76-80. https://doi.org/10.48165/jes.2021.37.2.12