Effect of Front Line Demonstration on Micronutrients on Yield and Economic Viability of Coriander in Arid Region of Kutch, Gujarat
Coriander, Chelated, Gross return, Impact, Micronutrient, Technology gap, Technology indexAbstract
ICAR-CAZRI, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kukma, Bhuj conducted a field study on the micronutrient (Zn and Fe) influence through frontline demonstrations (FLDs) on the yield and economics of coriander cultivating farmers of different villages of Anjar and Bhuj Talukas in Kachchh, Gujarat during rabi 2016-17 to 2018-19. The foliar application of chelated Zn and Fe increased the seed yield and net income of the coriander cultivating farmers. The FLDs plots recorded an average yield ranging from 1750 to 2033 kg ha-1 with a mean of 1862.67 kg ha–1 compared to the local check (1616 kg ha–1). The increased yield in demonstration plot ranged from 13.27 to 18.75% and 15.26% in average output. The average technology gap, extension gap and technology index were 264.6 kg ha-1, 246.67 kg ha-1 and 15.33%, respectively. Demonstration plots had a greater average net return (Rs. 70841.67) and B: C ratio (3.27) than farmer’s practice where it was Rs. 57816.67 and 2.89, respectively. The current findings clearly suggest that by the spray of micronutrients, the grain yield and economics of coriander can be enhanced.
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