Impact of Front Line Demonstration Programme on Yield and Economics of Isabgol (Plantago ovata) in Arid Kachchh of Gujarat

DOI: 10.48165/jes.2021.37.2.8


  • Ramniwas ICAR-CAZRI, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kukma, Bhuj-Kutch-370105 (Gujarat)
  • Manish Kanwat ICAR-CAZRI, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kukma, Bhuj-Kutch-370105 (Gujarat)
  • Sita Ram Jat ICAR-CAZRI, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kukma, Bhuj-Kutch-370105 (Gujarat)



Arid, frontline demonstration, gross return, Isabgol, shattering, technology gap, technology index


Front frontline demonstrations (FLDs) on Isabgol were organized by ICAR-CAZRI, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kukma, Bhuj in different villages of Anjar, Bhuj and Nakhatrana Talukas of Kachchh from 2018-19 to 2020-21. The high yielding variety Gujarat Isabgol-4 (resistant to shattering) was evaluate at farmers field under front line demonstration programme (FLDs). A total 50 demonstrations were conducted in 20 ha area at farmers field against farmers practice in arid Kachchh of Gujarat.  The average grain yield under improved practice was 1061.67 kg ha–1 compared to the farmers practice (950 kg ha–1) and increased significantly by 11.75% an average over farmers practice output. The average extension gap, technology gap and technology index were 111.67 kg ha-1, 238.33 kg ha-1 and 18.33%, respectively. Through adoption of improved practice, farmers get additional average returns of Rs.11943.33 ha-1 and B: C ratio 3.04. During this period extension activities like farmers training, distribution of literature, diagnostic visits etc. were taken up, to provide instant benefit to the farmers. Frontline demonstrations programme created greater awareness, attitude and skill to adopt improved practices of Isabgol and therefore, increased their production and economics.


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How to Cite

Ramniwas, Kanwat, M. ., & Jat, S. R. . (2021). Impact of Front Line Demonstration Programme on Yield and Economics of Isabgol (Plantago ovata) in Arid Kachchh of Gujarat: DOI: 10.48165/jes.2021.37.2.8. Journal of Extension Systems, 37(2), 54-59.