Ecological chemistry of insect-plant interactions


  • P D Kamala Jayanthi Division of Entomology and Nematology, ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, P.O. Hesseaghatta Lake, Bangaluru (Karnataka), India


Semiochemicals, CRCE, behavioural/chemical ecology


A clear scientific understanding of the behavioural/chemical ecology of the interactions with its hosts, conspecifics and natural enemies at different trophic levels is key for the development of reliable and sustainable push-pull strategies. Insects have mastered the art of using semiochemicals as communication signals and rely on them to find mates, hosts or habitats. The potential semiochemicals could be rapidly screened by Computational Reverse Chemical Ecology (CRCE) approach. The literature on phytosemiochemicals has shown that even common and structurally simple compounds can act as important chemical signals and exhibit biological activity on many different species. Future applications on semiochemicals depend on the availability of the potential cues that enable efficient manipulation of mate-and host-finding behaviour in horticultural pests. 



P.D. Kamala Jayanthi

and predicting behavioral active semiochemicals for

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How to Cite

Kamala Jayanthi , P. D. (2019). Ecological chemistry of insect-plant interactions . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 14(2), 1-10.