Management Modules for Spodoptera litura and Myzus nicotianae in FCV Tobacco


  • K China Chenchaiah Principal Scientist, ICAR-CTRI Research Station, Kandukur-523 105. A.P.



Pest Management modules, Spodoptera litura, Myzus nicotiana, FCV Tobacco, Southern Light Soil condition


Four Management modules for the control of Spodoptera litura and Myzus nicotiana in FCV tobacco under Southern Light Soil condition were evaluated during 2015-16 and 2016-17 crop season. Results obtained during two years were pooled and subjected to RBD analysis. The mean infestations reached its peak during 55 to 65 DAP of the crop in both the seasons. The infestation of caterpillar and aphid was low to medium in both the years. The mean proportion of plants damaged (4.25 to 11.15%) and damage score (2.1 to 2.45) recorded due to caterpillar in IPM module was less when compared to that of control plots (4.75 to 12.45% plants damaged and 2.25 to 2.85 damage score). Similar observation was recorded in case of aphid with the mean proportion of plants damaged (6.20 to 11.25%) and damage score (0.76 to 1.61) in IPM module, while control plots had 5.95 to 13.70% plants damaged and 1.40 to 2.41 damage score. Significant differences in yield parameters were observed among seasons and as well as in treatments. The seasonal variation in yield is due to changing weather conditions in successive years. The IPM module consisting of Jowar as barrier crop, NSKS @ 0.5% spray, Spodeptera NPV 250LE spray, Proclaim @ 5g/10 L water spray, Confidor @ 3ml/ 10 L water spray based on ETL gave highest mean yield of green leaf (11,577.5 kg/ ha), cured leaf (1,807.1 kg/ ha), bright leaf (1,091.2 kg/ ha) and grade index (1,206.2). The cured leaf yield recorded 25.63 per cent increase over the control. The mean total income from this module was Rs. 2,10,527/- per ha and the Cost: Benefit ratio was 1: 6.58. It also gave 25.63 per cent higher returns over the control module. This IPM module was demonstrated in 1.0 acre area of a nearby farmers’ field during 2017-18 cropping season and the farmer got convinced with the technology with a production of 8.0 Q/acre cured leaf. 


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How to Cite

China Chenchaiah , K. (2020). Management Modules for Spodoptera litura and Myzus nicotianae in FCV Tobacco . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 15(2), 149-153.