Demonstration of three Seeding Methods and Two Varieties of Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor) with Farmers' Participatory approach in Hamelmalo Area, Eritrea


  • Woldeamlak Araia Department of Agronomy, Hamelmalo Agricultural College, Eritrea
  • Syed Danish Yaseen Naqvi Department of Plant Protection, Hamelmalo Agricultural College, Eritrea
  • Abdulrezak Ahmedin Department of Agronomy, Hamelmalo Agricultural College, Eritrea



Demonstration, Hydro seed priming, Sorghum, Productivity, Semi-arid areas


A demonstration was carried out on the seeding methods and varieties of Sorghum on farmers’ fields in two locations in Basheri and Genfolom (Hamelmalo area), ZobaAnseba, Eritrea during 2015/16 cropping season. Three methods of sowing (Direct, transplanting and hydro seed priming) and two varieties (Hamelmalo and Hariray) were demonstrated with a total of 6 treatments. A total of 20 farmers in each of the two locations participated in the evaluation of the sowing method at maturity using a scoring scale of 1 to 10. There was no significant difference among the varieties, method of sowing and the interaction in biomass. Hydro seed priming was better in biomass with 4650 kg/ha compared to transplanting (3023 kg/ha) with a difference of 1605 kg/ha or 53.1% increase, when averaged over the locations even though, it was non-significant. In grain yield, there was significant difference among the seeding methods with Hydro seed priming giving higher yield (962 kg/ha), which is an increase of 283 kg/ha or 41.7% compared to transplanting (679 kg/ha), when averaged over the locations. The evaluation by farmers was the highest for Hydro seed priming with a score of 8.13 compared to direct seeding, when averaged over the locations. The methods of planting were demonstrated to farmers by organizing field days in the two locations. 


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How to Cite

Araia, W., Yaseen Naqvi, S. D., & Ahmedin, A. (2020). Demonstration of three Seeding Methods and Two Varieties of Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor) with Farmers’ Participatory approach in Hamelmalo Area, Eritrea . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 15(2), 131-137.