Assessment of economic potentiality and employment generation through integrated nutrient management in coconut-based cropping system


  • V V Shinde ICAR-AICRP on Palms, Regional Coconut Research Station, Bhatye, Ratnagiri - 415 612, Maharashtra, India
  • S L Ghavale ICAR-AICRP on Palms, Regional Coconut Research Station, Bhatye, Ratnagiri - 415 612, Maharashtra, India
  • S M Wankhede ICAR-AICRP on Palms, Regional Coconut Research Station, Bhatye, Ratnagiri - 415 612, Maharashtra, India
  • H P Maheswarappa ICAR-AICRP on Palms, Regional Coconut Research Station, Bhatye, Ratnagiri - 415 612, Maharashtra, India
  • P M Haldankar ICAR-AICRP on Palms, Regional Coconut Research Station, Bhatye, Ratnagiri - 415 612, Maharashtra, India



Coconut, INM, nutrient status, nut yield, employment generation


Field experiment was carried out at Regional Coconut Research Station, Bhatye (DBSKKV, Dapoli), Maharashtra (India) during 2013-2018 to study the assessment of economic potentiality and employment generation through integrated nutrient management (INM) in coconut-based cropping system. INM practices viz., T1-75 % of RDF+25 % of N through organic recycling with vermicompost, T2-50 % of RDF+50 % of N through organic recycling with vermicompost + vermiwash application + bio-fertilizer application + in situ green mannuring (cowpea), T3-fully organic:100 % N through organic recycling with vermicompost + vermiwash application + bio-fertilizer application + in situ green mannuring (cowpea) and green leaf mannuring + composted coir pith, husk incorporation and mulching with coconut leaves were imposed in coconut based cropping system involving nutmeg, cinnamon, banana and pineapple. For comparison, T4- control: monocrop of coconut with recommended NPK and organic manure was maintained. Four treatments were laid out in a block of 0.45 ha area each. Among the different INM practices, treatment T1 recorded highest net returns Rs.131605/- with highest B:C ratio 2.69 followed by T2 recorded Rs.122868/ - and 2.29 as net returns and B:C ratio respectively. In contrast, the treatment T4 - coconut monocrop alone had recorded Rs.38735 and 1.60 as net returns and B:C ratio respectively. Employment generation due to cropping system was one of the objectives under the study and it was observed to be very high in the treatment T1 (297 man days/ha/ year) followed by the treatment T2 (284 man days/ha/year), whereas, it was the lowest in coconut monocrop (T4). Productivity of the system was higher in the intercropping garden. The coconut nut yield (5-year average) was higher under T1 (147.2 nuts/palm/year), followed by T2 (138.4 nuts/palm/year) and T3 (123.6 nuts/palm/year), whereas, monocrop had recorded a significantly lower number of nut yield (97.2 nuts/palm/year). INM practice involving T1- 75 % of RDF+25 % of N through organic recycling with vermicompost is most sustainable, productive and economically viable treatment with highest employment generation compared to other treatments. 


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How to Cite

Shinde, V. V., Ghavale, S. L., Wankhede, S. M., Maheswarappa, H. P., & Haldankar , P. M. (2021). Assessment of economic potentiality and employment generation through integrated nutrient management in coconut-based cropping system . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 16(2), 121-125.