Seasonal Incidence of Aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover and Predatory Fauna in Chilli Ecosystem


  • Suresh R Jambagi Department of Agricultural Entomology,University of Agricultural Sciences,Dharwad-580005, Karnataka, India
  • C N Bhargava Department of Agricultural Entomology,University of Agricultural Sciences,Dharwad-580005, Karnataka, India
  • H K Nandini Department of Agricultural Entomology,University of Agricultural Sciences,Dharwad-580005, Karnataka, India
  • A S Vastrad Department of Agricultural Entomology,University of Agricultural Sciences,Dharwad-580005, Karnataka, India



Aphis gossypii, Chilli, Natural enemies, Ladybird beetle, Green lacewing


Study on seasonal incidence of Aphis gossypii infecting chilli was carried out at College Farm, UAS Dharwad, during rabi 2018-19. The crop was grown in a plot size 20x20 m with spacing of 60x60 cm. The aphid population was recorded on chilli from 6th Week After Transplanting (WAT) (2.37 aphids/leaf) and reached to a peak level of 32.20 aphids/leaf during 10th WAT. Later it followed decreasing trend and attained least incidence of 6.50 aphids/leaf at 14th WAT. Among the two natural enemies investigated, ladybird beetle showed significant positive correlation (r=0.560) with aphid incidence whereas, non-significant positive association noticed with green lacewing population (r= 0.429). 


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Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture 16(2) 2021 doi:

Suresh R. Jambagi, Bhargava C.N., Nandini H.K. and A.S. Vastrad

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How to Cite

Jambagi, S. R., Bhargava, C. N., Nandini, H. K., & Vastrad , A. S. (2021). Seasonal Incidence of Aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover and Predatory Fauna in Chilli Ecosystem . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 16(2), 95-97.