Design and Development of End Point Sensor to Judge the Consistency of Jaggery


  • B Manikandan College of Food and Dairy Technology, Koduveli, Chennai - 600 052, India
  • V Perasiriyan Department of Food Business Management, College of Food and Dairy Technology, Koduveli, Chennai - 600 052, India
  • B Murugan Department of Food Safety and Quality Assurance, College of Food and Dairy Technology, Koduveli, Chennai - 600 052, India
  • G Sujatha Department of Food Process Engineering, College of Food and Dairy Technology, Koduveli, Chennai - 600 052, India



Sugarcane, Jaggery, Consistency, RGB sensor, Electrical conductivity, Temperature


The consistency determination is the critical process in jaggery production which defines the final product quality. The equipment was developed with resistance temperature detectors (RTD), red blue green (RGB) sensor, electrical conductivity sensor and aurdino to conclude the consistency of jaggery preparation so that the final product will be of less deterioration and loss. Three suitable physical parameters were picked by conducting the literature study and their corresponding sensors were chosen for developing the equipment. The developed equipment was tested in field over the jaggery prepared from sugarcane varieties, VcF 0517 and Co 8371. The colour, temperature and electrical conductivity values of finest jaggery produced by manual method were statistically analysed and fed to the equipment as a set point to conclude the consistency of jaggery. Jaggery produced from VcF 0517 and Co 8371 varieties by using the developed equipment was better in quality with good recovery percentage of 99.10±0.12 % and 99.16±0.13 % respectively as compared to the manual method. 


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How to Cite

Manikandan, B., Perasiriyan, V., Murugan, B., & Sujatha, G. (2021). Design and Development of End Point Sensor to Judge the Consistency of Jaggery . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 16(2), 91-94.