Effect of growth retardants on yield attributing characters of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) Var. Parbhani Kranti


  • K V Malshe Mango Research Sub-Centre, Rameshwar, Deogad, Dist. Sindhudurg 416806, India
  • P C Haldavanekar Mango Research Sub-Centre, Rameshwar, Deogad, Dist. Sindhudurg 416806, India
  • R G Khandekar Mango Research Sub-Centre, Rameshwar, Deogad, Dist. Sindhudurg 416806, India




Okra, Cycocel, Paclobutrazol, Flowering, Fruit, Yield


The field experiment was undertaken to study the effect of paclobutrazol (PBZ) and cycocel (CCC) on yield attributing characters of okra (Var. Parbhani Kranti) at Mango Research Sub-Centre, Rameshwar, Deogad, Dist. Sindhudurg (Maharashtra) during the kharif season of the year 2016. The experiment was laid in randomized block design with three replications and seven treatments viz; T1 : Control, T2 : CCC @ 250 ppm, T3 : CCC @ 500 ppm, T4 : CCC @ 750 ppm, T5 : PBZ @ 100 ppm, T6 : PBZ @ 200 ppm, T7 : PBZ @ 300 ppm. The sprays of CCC and PBZ at respective concentration were given on the plants at 30 days after sowing and second spray was given at 15 days after first foliar spray. The early flowering initiation (43.3 days after sowing) and 50 % flowering (47.3 days after sowing) were observed in the treatment CCC @ 750 ppm (T4). The maximum number of picking (harvestings) was also observed in CCC @ 750 ppm (T4) treatment (17.33) and it was at par with rest of the growth retardant treatments. The highest length of fruit (11.70 cm), breadth of fruit (16.47 mm) and average fruit weight (13.85 g) were recorded in CCC @ 500 ppm (T3) treatment. The lowest length of fruit (8.70cm) was in PBZ (@ 300 ppm (T7). The lowest fruit breadth (14.97 mm) and fruit weight (13.07 g) was in control (T1). The highest number of fruit per plant (19.07) and highest yield per plot (9.59 kg) were in T4i.e. CCC @ 500 ppm. Amongst all the treatment, CCC @ 500 ppm was found most appropriate, as it has significantly improved the fruit size and yield of okra during kharif season under Konkan agro-climatic region. 


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How to Cite

Malshe, K. V., Haldavanekar, P. C., & Khandekar, R. G. (2021). Effect of growth retardants on yield attributing characters of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) Var. Parbhani Kranti . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 16(2), 83-85. https://doi.org/10.5958/2582-2683.2021.00033.2