Remediation of phytotoxic effect of chromium by different amendments in barseem-spinach rotation


  • Neeraj Rani School of Organic Farming,Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana – 141 004, Punjab, India
  • Dhanwinder Singh epartment of Soil Science,Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana – 141 004, Punjab, India



Amendments, Dry matter yield, Chromium content, Chromium uptake, Berseem, Spinach


To determine the effects of farmyard manure (FYM) and lime on the growth and chromium (Cr) accumulation, screen house experiment was conducted by taking berseem- spinach rotation. Two soils were selected for the study, one of the soils received sewage irrigation (SWI) and the other tubewell water irrigation (TWI) and both were artificially treated with Cr at 0 to 320 mg kg-1 soil. Berseem and spinach were grown for 90 and 50 days, respectively. The results revealed that there was a linear reduction in dry matter yield (DMY) of berseem with an increasing level of chromium irrespective of the amendment. No harvestable yields were obtained at higher levels of applied chromium. About 23.2% increase in yield was found with FYM only. Application of both FYM and lime reduced the magnitude of reduction with Cr contamination. The application of lime at the same level decreased the berseem yield in both soils but increased the spinach yield by 3.4% in TWI and 9.6%, in SWI soils over control. The Cr content and uptake in berseem and spinach increased linearly and significantly at all levels of applied Cr in both the soils. A significant increase in Cr uptake was observed up to 80mg kg-1 in both the crops but the uptake was more pronounced in berseem than in spinach. The toxic effect of Cr on crops could be alleviated more effectively with FYM than with lime application. 


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Neeraj Rani and Dhanwinder Singh

oyster shell and calcium hydroxide as liming materials for

The authors are thankful to Head, Department of Soil Science for providing the necessary facilities to carry out research experiments


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How to Cite

Rani, N., & Singh, D. (2021). Remediation of phytotoxic effect of chromium by different amendments in barseem-spinach rotation . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 16(2), 69-75.