Influence of girdling on stimulation of flowering and yield in mango (cv. Alphonso) in hard lateritic rocky areas


  • K V Malshe Jr. Horticulturist, Mango Research Sub-Centre, Rameshwar, Deogad, Dist. Sindhudurg 416806 (MS)
  • P M Haldankar Director of Research, Dr. B. S. Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Ratnagiri 415712
  • Y R Parulekar Assistant Professor, College of Horticulture, Dapoli, Ratnagiri 415712



Mango, girdling, flowering, yield


The investigations, conducted during the year 2018-19 at Mango Research Sub-Centre, Rameshwar, Tal. Deogad, Dist. Sindhudurg (Maharashtra), located on hard lateritic rocky area, with five girdling time treatments viz., girdling in second fortnight of August (T1), girdling in first fortnight of September (T2), girdling in second fortnight of September (T3), girdling in first fortnight of October (T4) and control (no girdling) (T5), showed early initiation of flowering at 43rd standard meteorological week with maximum flowering intensity (63.75%) and highest hermaphrodite flower (9.40%) when girdling was done in first fortnight of September (T2). This treatment also recorded highest number of fruits (149.25 fruits tree-1), yield kg tree-1 (32.68) and t/ha-1 (3.27) than against lowest of 101.25, 22.31 and 2.23 of the respective parameters in the control. 



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How to Cite

Malshe, K. V., Haldankar, P. M., & Parulekar, Y. R. (2021). Influence of girdling on stimulation of flowering and yield in mango (cv. Alphonso) in hard lateritic rocky areas . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 16(1), 71-73.