Response of mesta (Hibiscus spp.) genotypes to stages of harvesting under rainfed conditions


  • H B Babalad University Library, UAS, Dharwad- 580 005
  • A K Guggari Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Vijayapur- 586 101
  • V A Pattanashetti Main Agricultural Research Station, Dharwad-580 005 University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad-580 005, Karnataka, India



Fibre yield, Genotypes, Mesta, Stage of harvest


The field experiment, conducted to find out the optimum stage of harvesting of different mesta varieties for obtaining higher yield of quality fibre for three consecutive rainy seasons at the Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, showed that mesta crop harvested at maturity gave significantly higher fibre and seed yields compared to those harvested at 20, 30 and 40 days of flowering. For only the fibre purpose, the crop can be harvested at 50 per cent flowering stage. This however gave lower fibre yield than that harvested at maturity. It is advised to harvest the crop at 120-130 days after sowing when, the pod development sets in to get higher fibre yield and fibre equivalent yield. 


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First year

Second year

Third year

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AS-73-CP-560 (V1) 1839 3063 780 1894 AMV-3 (V2) 1683 2743 660 1595 AMV-4 (V3) 1767 2936 741 1815 LSD (0.05) 114 NS 72 NS

Stage of harvesting (S)

days after flowering (S1) 1369 2182 657 1403 30 days after flowering (S2) 1793 2627 687 1702 40 days after flowering (S3) 1909 3186 761 1952 At maturity (S4) 1980 3662 803 2148 LSD (0.05) 131 254 45 341 Interaction (VxS)

V1S1 1425 2263 683 1457 V1S2 1872 2755 715 1781 V1S3 1989 3526 837 2118 V1S4 2072 3709 883 2221 V2S1 1328 2034 629 1330 V2S2 1690 2535 644 1623 V2S3 1817 2811 670 1766 V2S4 1896 3590 697 2061 V3S1 1355 2248 660 1421 V3S2 1818 2590 701 1703 V3S3 1921 3219 777 1973 V3S4 1974 3687 827 2163 LSD (0.05) 227 440 77 590

NS: Non-significant

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How to Cite

Babalad, H. B., Guggari, A. K., & Pattanashetti, V. A. (2021). Response of mesta (Hibiscus spp.) genotypes to stages of harvesting under rainfed conditions . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 16(1), 61-66.