Management of san jose scale, Quadraspidiotus perniciosus Comstock in apple orchards of Kashmir through horticultural mineral oils


  • Muneer Ahmad Sofi Division of Entomology, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar Campus, Srinagar 190 025
  • Zakir Hussain Khan Division of Entomology, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar Campus, Srinagar 190 025



Delayed dormant spray, horticulture mineral oil, san jose scale, apple, Kashmir


The field experiment, conducted with the objective of examining the efficacy of different concentrations of two oil dormant sprays of Arbofine extra along with standard check (ATSO) to manage san jose scale (Quadraspidiotus Perniciosus Comstock) in delayed dormant season of 2015-16, revealed highest comulative mean mortality of SJS (82.69%) with the application of 2.5 per cent of Arbofine extra followed by 80.71 per cent mortality of SJS with 2.0 per cent of Code-204 as against the standard check (ATSO) applied at 2.5 per cent concentration (80.12%) and the lowest (76.47 per cent) at 1.5 per cent concentration. Two parasitoids, Encarsia pernicious and Aphytis proclia and one predator Chilocorus infernalis were found on SJS twigs from the treated area. Arbofine extra @ 2.5 per cent concentration recorded mean yield (10.0 boxes) of ‘A’ grade followed by 8.33 boxes @ 2.0 per cent concentration. 



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How to Cite

Ahmad Sofi, M., & Hussain Khan, Z. (2021). Management of san jose scale, Quadraspidiotus perniciosus Comstock in apple orchards of Kashmir through horticultural mineral oils . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 16(1), 32-35.