AMMI analysis nested with BLUP for stability analysis of barley genotypes evaluated at Northern Hills Zone of the country


  • Ajay Verma ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat & Barley Research, Karnal Haryana
  • G P Singh ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat & Barley Research, Karnal Haryana





Highly significant effects of environments (E), GxE interaction and genotypes (G) had expressed by AMMI analysis for problem soils under coordinated barley improvement program of the country. Interaction effects GxE accounted for 52.4% & 30.5% and environment effects explained 19.4% & 50.3% during cropping seasons of 2018-19 and 2019-20 respectively. Stability measure WAASB based on all significant interaction principal components ranked suitability of UPB1077, BHS400, HBL851 genotypes. Superiority index while weighting 0.65 and 0.35 for mean yield & stability ranked VLB162, BHS400, HBL113 as of stable performance with high yield barley genotypes. ASTAB measure achieved the desirable lower values for BHS474, HBL113, VLB 162. Composite measure MASV1 found BHS474, HBL113, VLB162 and as per MASV ranks BHS474, HBL113, HBL863 genotypes would be of choice for these locations of the zone. Biplot graphical analysis as per 66.3% of variation of the stability measures exhibited MASV1 clubbed with ASTAB, EV, SIPC, Za, W3, WAASB and MASV measures. Yield based measures clubbed with corresponding SI measures. For the second-year lower value of WAASB measure had observed for BHS481, BHS400, BHS352 whereas large value by HBL867. Ranking of genotypes as per Superiority index found BHS482, HBL113, VLB168 as of stable performance with high yield. Barley genotypes HBL113, VLB168, VLB166 were selected as per values of ASTAB measure accounted the AMMI analysis with BLUP of genotypes yield values. Composite measure MASV1 selected HBL113, VLB168, HBL867 while HBL113, VLB168, HBL867 identified by MASV as genotypes of choice for these locations of the zone. 73.1% of variation of the stability measures in biplot analysis observed MASV1 clubbed with ASTAB, EV, SIPC, Za, W3, WAASB and MASV measures. Average yield measures clubbed with corresponding SI measures. 


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How to Cite

Verma , A., & Singh, G. P. (2022). AMMI analysis nested with BLUP for stability analysis of barley genotypes evaluated at Northern Hills Zone of the country . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 17(2), 264-272.