Elucidation of GxE interactions by AMMI, BLUP and non parametric measures of Wheat genotypes evaluated in NWPZ


  • Ajay Verma ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat & Barley Research, Post Bag # 158 Agrasain Marg, Karnal (Haryana), India 132001
  • Gyanendra Pratap Singh ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat & Barley Research, Post Bag # 158 Agrasain Marg, Karnal (Haryana), India 132001




AMMI, BLUP, Biplot analysis, Non parametric composite measures


Significant variations due to environments (38.3%), GxE interactions (32.1%), and genotypes (10.9%) were observed by AMMI analysis. Absolute IPCA-1 scores pointed for G13, G2, G11 as per IPCA-2, G1, G3, G8 genotypes would be of choice. ASV1 and ASV measures recommended G13, G2, G11 genotypes. Based on 97.8 per cent of GxE interactions sum of squares MASV1 identified G13, G3, G7 whereas MASV settled for G13, G1, and G7 genotypes. BLUP-based measures HMGV, RPGV, HMRPGV identified G9, G6, G13 genotypes for this mega wheat producing zone of the country. Non parametric composite measure NPi (1) observed suitability of G3, G13, G12 whereas NPi(2), NPi(3), NPi(4) identified G3, G10, G12 genotypes. Biplot analysis observed 65.4% of the total variation in the considered measures accounted by PC1 and PC2 with respective contributions of 35.4% & 29.9% respectively. Si1, Si2, Si4, Si3, NPi(1), Si6, ASV, ASV1, IPC7 accounted more in PC1 whereas for second component RPGV HMRPGV, HMGV, BLAvg, BLGM, NPi (4) were major contributors. Cluster of IPC2, NPi(2), NPi(3), NPi(4) placed adjacent to BLUP based measures in the same quadrant. ASV, ASV1, MASV, MASV1, clustered with Si1, Si2, Si3, Si4, Si5, Si6, Si7 BLStd and NPi(1), BLCV, IPC7 observed in different quadrant of biplot analysis. Strong positive Spearmen rank correlations of ASV & ASV1 seen of moderate to strong direct nature with measures exception of NPi(2), NPi(3), NPi(4). MASV, MASV1 expressed moderate to strong positive correlation values Si1, Si2, Si3, Si4, Si5, Si6, Si7, NPi(1), NPi(2), NPi(3), NPi(4). Similar type of relationships were expressed by BLUP based measures. 


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How to Cite

Verma, A., & Pratap Singh, G. (2023). Elucidation of GxE interactions by AMMI, BLUP and non parametric measures of Wheat genotypes evaluated in NWPZ . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 18(1), 72-79. https://doi.org/10.5958/2582-2683.2023.00013.8