Influence of priming and irrigation intervals on growth and fruit yield of okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench]


  • Mukesh Kumar Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, DAV University, Jalandhar (Punjab), India
  • A Harshavardhan Reddy Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, DAV University, Jalandhar (Punjab), India
  • Puja Rattan Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, DAV University, Jalandhar (Punjab), India
  • Anju Pathania Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, DAV University, Jalandhar (Punjab), India



Okra, Seed priming, Dry seed, Hydro-priming, Halo-priming, Irrigation intervals


The field experiment conducted at the experimental farm, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, DAV University, Jalandhar in spring-summer of 2019 in split plot design with 3 replications and 12 treatment combinations (comprising of four priming treatments viz., dry seed, hydro-priming, 3% KCL and 3% KNO3 and three irrigation intervals viz., 5, 8 and 11 days intervals) showed that the irrigation given at 5 days intervals proved best with respect to minimum number of days to 50 per cent emergence, number of days to 50 per cent flowering, days to first picking and recorded maximum for inter-nodal length, number of nodes, plant height, number of pickings, number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight, fruit yield, root length and chlorophyll “b” while, irrigation at 8 days intervals recorded maximum number of branches per plant. Among priming treatment, hydro-priming recorded maximum inter-nodal length, number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight and fruit yield while, minimum days to 50 per cent flowering, number of picking were observed in 3 per cent KCL and 3 per cent KNO3 recorded minimum days to first picking of fruits and maximum inter-nodal length, number of branches per plant, maximum plant height, maximum number of pickings, longest root length and chlorophyll “b”. Among treatment combinations, 5 days intervals × 3 per cent KNO3 recorded minimum number of days to 50 per cent emergence, maximum number of branches per plant, while 5 days intervals × 3 per cent KCL recorded minimum number of days to first picking, number of fruits per plant, average weight of fruit and highest yield which was at par with 5 days intervals × hydro-priming and 5 days intervals × dry seed. All the irrigation intervals performed best during shorter irrigation intervals as compared to longer irrigation intervals. It was found from the results of this research that hydro-priming and halo-priming enhanced okra growth and yield parameters. It was concluded that problems of low germination and production in okra can be improved by hydro priming and halo-priming. 


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How to Cite

Kumar, M., Harshavardhan Reddy, A., Rattan, P., & Pathania , A. (2023). Influence of priming and irrigation intervals on growth and fruit yield of okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 18(1), 43-50.