A comparative study of agricultural education and extension practices in the US and India: Implications for sustainable farming
Agricultural Education, Extension Services, Experiential Learning, Public-Private Partnerships, Sustainable FarmingAbstract
This comparative case study investigates agricultural education and extension practices in the United States (US) and India, focusing on experiential learning, extension services, public-private partnerships, bridging research and practice, and sustainable farming practices. Results show that Indian agricultural education practices demonstrate higher student engagement, broader extension service reach, and more impactful public-private partnerships compared to the US. Specifically, experiential learning programs in India led to higher student engagement and career interest, while extension services provided by Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) in India showed greater effectiveness and rural reach. Public-private partnerships, notably initiatives like Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) in India, exhibited higher perceived impact and resource mobilization. Moreover, successful strategies identified in India for bridging research and practice have implications for enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability globally. The study underscores the importance of experiential learning, effective extension services, and collaborative partnerships in promoting sustainable farming practices.
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