Maximizing carbon sequestration in poplar plantations: Insights from clone selection, growth performance, and soil carbon dynamics


  • Mudiyam Dhanunjaya Reddy Department of Soil Science,Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur)- 848 125, Bihar, India.
  • D K Das Department of Forestry, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur)- 848 125, Bihar, India.
  • Santosh Kumar Singh Department of Soil Science,Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur)- 848 125, Bihar, India.
  • Jidan Ali Mallick Department of Soil Science, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur)- 848 125, Bihar, India.



Afforestation, biomass, carbon sequestration, populus, SOC dynamics



Reforestation and afforestation initiatives are vital tools for mitigating climate change by sequestering atmospheric carbon in long-lived wood biomass. This study focuses on the carbon sequestration potential of six-year-old Populus deltoids Bartr. Marsh. plantations in Bihar, India. Morphometric measurements revealed significant variations among clones, with clone G-48 exhibiting superior growth characteristics, including height (14.2 m), diameter at breast height (17.51 cm), and crown width (4.83 m). Biomass estimation indicated that G-48 produced the highest biomass (60.69 kg tree-1). Carbon stock analysis revealed G-48’s dominance, with the highest total carbon stock (0.287 q tree-1) and above-ground biomass (0.246 q tree-1). Carbon sequestration assessments showed G-48’s remarkable potential, with the highest CO2 mitigation (129.79 Mg ha-1) and carbon storage from coal substitution (1.83 Mg ha-1). Soil organic carbon (SOC) analysis indicated significant improvements, with G-48 exhibiting the highest SOC levels. The study underscores the importance of clone selection and responsible forest management in maximizing carbon sequestration benefits. These findings contribute to the understanding of poplar plantation dynamics and emphasize the potential of afforestation initiatives in combating climate change. 


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How to Cite

Reddy, M. D. ., Das, . . D. K., Singh, S. K., & Mallick, J. A. M. (2025). Maximizing carbon sequestration in poplar plantations: Insights from clone selection, growth performance, and soil carbon dynamics. Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 20(1), 17-22.