Periodical changes in biological properties of soil and yield of groundnut as influenced by biofertilizers and different levels of sulphur in alfisols
Groundnut yield, Biological properties, Biofertilizers, Sulphur, Alfisols etcAbstract
An experiment was carried out over two consecutive Rabi seasons in 2017-18 and 2018-19 to investigate the impact of biofertilizers and varying levels of sulphur on periodic changes in soil biological properties and yield of mulched Groundnut in Alfisols. The study was conducted in Red ferrogenous lateritic (Alfisols) soil at the College of Agriculture, Dapoli Dist. Ratnagiri (M.S.), India. The experiment included 16 treatments with different levels of sulphur (0, 15, 30, 45 kg ha-1) and biofertilizers such as Rhizobium, phosphorous solubilizing bacteria, and sulphur oxidizing microorganisms, in addition to a control without biofertilizer, along with 100% recommended dose of fertilizers. Enzyme activities and biological properties were monitored periodically. The results indicated that the application of sulphur oxidizing microorganisms at 5 l ha-1 in 200 l of water through drenching, and sulphur at 45 kg ha-1, significantly increased groundnut yield and enhanced soil biological properties, specifically bacterial population and nitrate reductase activity, except for fungi and actinomycetes. In conclusion, the study suggests that the addition of sulphur at 45 kg ha-1 and sulphur oxidizing microorganisms at 5 l ha-1 in 200 l of water through drenching can lead to significant yield increments and improvements in soil biological properties.
Anonymous 2019. Department of Economics and Statistics, Directorate of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi, India.
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