Impact analysis of hybrid and high yielding rice varieties (HYVs) on productivity, profitability and GHGs emission in the coastal saline zone of West Bengal state, India: A multi-criteria approach


  • Subhajit Banerjee School of Development studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India- 400088
  • Kundan Mahato Rajasthan Grameen Aajeevika Vikas Parishad, Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India- 302005
  • Surjakanta Pramanik Department of Geography, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal, India- 700019
  • Simeon Emilov Dimitrov Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, ul. “15-ti noemvri” 1, 1000 Sofia Center, Sofia, Bulgaria



Hybrid rice, High yielding rice (HYV), Productivity of Rice, Profitability assessment, GHGs emission



The study was designed to estimate the productivity, profitability and GHGs emission from cultivation of hybrid and high yield variety (HYV) of rice in two selected villages of South 24 Parganas district which falls under coastal saline zone (CSZ), a resource-scarce zone of the state West Bengal, India. The data revealed that grain yields of hybrids were higher than HYVs, however, straw yields were comparatively higher in HYVs. Average grain yield of hybrid was higher in boro (~ 8 t ha-1) than aman (~ 6 t ha-1) season. Hybrids recorded higher cost of cultivation, gross and net return in both seasons. Except methane emission, emission of both of the CO2 and N2O were higher in aman season. Global warming potential (GWP) of hybrid rice was slightly higher than HYVs in both seasons. However, the yield-scaled GHG emission was higher in HYVs. This means for producing unit amount of grain yield, GHGs emission was higher in HYVs than hybrids. Also the eco-efficiency was higher in hybrids than HYVs, proving than the hybrids are both economically and environmentally sustainable. Lower water footprint and higher water productivity was observed in hybrids, indicating that for producing unit amount of grain yield, hybrids use lower amount of water input. Considering the better grain yield, economics, lower yield-scaled GHG emission and water footprint and higher eco-efficiency, hybrid rice cultivation systems can be recommended to practice with suitable site-specific agronomic management in the locations. 


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How to Cite

Banerjee, S., Mahato, K. ., Pramanik, S. ., & Dimitrov, S. E. . (2024). Impact analysis of hybrid and high yielding rice varieties (HYVs) on productivity, profitability and GHGs emission in the coastal saline zone of West Bengal state, India: A multi-criteria approach. Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 19(2), 364-373.