A Comparative Study Of Amlapittavinashak Yoga Kwath & Bhunimbadi Kwath In The Management Of Amlapitta W.S.R. To Acid Peptic Diseases.


  • G Vinay Mohan Principal and H.O.D-Department of Kaychikitsa, Shri Shivyogeshwar Rural Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Inchal. Author
  • Pawar Pranita Mahendra PG Scholar Department of Kaychikitsa, Shri Shivyogeshwar Rural Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Inchal. Author


Amlapitta, hyperacidity, Acid Peptic disease, Amlapittavinashak yoga kwath, Bhunimbadi kwath


Now a day, there are so many changes in life style, behavior and diet. To achieve our desires in limited  time produces different types problems like anxiety, worry, anger, depression. In modern medical science symptomatology of Amlapittais equivalent to the features of hyperacidity. Hyperacidity and its complications pose a major threat to future public  health resources throughout the world. The Ayurvedic management of Amlapitta aims not only control acid secretions in body  but also to treat the root cause of the disease. People don’t follow rules like Dincharya and Rutucharya.Peoples are not awair  of Rules of consumption of food which are described in “Aharvidhivishayatan” by Acharya Charak. Because of this all factor  causes physiological disorders, which causes Annavaha stratus drusti which cause Mandagni and if the hetu sevan is goes on  then it cause Ajeerna which ultimately leads to Aamvish .When Aamvish mixed with pittadi dosha, the original KattuRasa of  Pitta changes to amla causes amalapitta disease. Amalapitta is characterised by features like Avipaak (indigestion), Klama (tridness), Utklesha (nausea), Tiktta Amlaa Udagar (sour and bitter belching), gauravata (Heaviness) ,Hrudhkantha daha 

(Heart and throat burning),and Aruchi. These clinical features are closely related to functional dyspepsia. All these symptoms  if left untreated may produces Gastrointestinal disorder like peptic ulcer disease .Many disease like Grahani,skin disease like  Shitpitta,Udard occurs as complication of Amlapitta. While describing the progonosis of Amlapitta , it has been stated that it  can cured easily if promptly treated as earliest with proper Pathyapathya. The etiological factors like Abhojana, Atibhojana,  ganigraha, PanchakarmaVyapat and seasonal variation etc. cause vitiation of Doshas and Agni which ultimately results  Mandagni which is treated as mother of all the diseases. This Mandagni leads to Avipaka and due to Avipaka even light and  small meals are not digested. This undigested and ill digested food gets shuktatva which leads to the formation of  Annavisha. This Annavisha is manifestated in the form of Ajirna . As per Charaka it is said that when diet is not  properly digested it gets formented and forms Annavisha. This Ama when mixed with Pitta then it develops the  disease Amlapitta



Prof. BanvariLal Gaur. AshtangHridya (Sanvartika Hindi Commentary).Varanasi: ChaukambhaOrientalia. P. 362, 363, 364

KavirajAtridevGupt.AshtangSangraha. Vol.1st. Varanasi: ChaukambhaKrishnadas Academy. P. 223

SharangdharAcharya. Pandit. SharangdharSamhita(GudarthDipikaAndDipika). Uttar khanda.Varanasi: ChaukambhaOrientalia. P.354,355

VaidhyaShriSatyanarayanShastri. Charak samhita (VidhyotiniHindi Commentary). Vol 2nd. Varanasi: ChaukambhaBharti Academy. Suthrasthan P 456

Dr.AmbikaDuttShastri. SusruthSamhita(Ayurvedtatvasandipika Hindi Commentary). Vol.1st. ChikitsaSthan. Varanasi:Chaukambha Sanskrit Sansthan. P. 229, 230 6. VaidhyaShriSatyanarayanShastri. Charak samhita (VidhyotiniHindi Commentary). Vol 2nd. Varanasi: ChaukambhaBharti Academy.Chiktsa sthan 15/45-60

VaidhyaShriSatyanarayanShastri. Charak samhita (VidhyotiniHindi Commentary). Vol 2nd. Varanasi: ChaukambhaBharti Academy, Sutrasthan p. 230




How to Cite

Mohan, G. V., & Mahendra, P. P. (2020). A Comparative Study Of Amlapittavinashak Yoga Kwath & Bhunimbadi Kwath In The Management Of Amlapitta W.S.R. To Acid Peptic Diseases. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(10), 65-76. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16958