Clinical Study To Evaluate The Efficacy Of Triphaladi Ghrita Yonipichu In Paripluta Yonivyapat With Special Reference To Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.


  • Shweta P Mathapati PG Scholar, Department of Prasooti Tantra and Stree Roga, SDM Trust’s Ayurvedic Medical College, Danigond Post Graduation Centre, Terdal, Bagalkot, Karnataka, INDIA. Author
  • P K Rawal Professor & HOD, Department of Prasooti Tantra and Stree Roga, SDM Trust’s Ayurvedic Medical College, Danigond Post Graduation Centre, Terdal, Bagalkot, Karnataka, INDIA. Author
  • Sunita Shiraguppi Assistant Professor, Department of Prasooti Tantra and Stree Roga, SDM Trust’s Ayurvedic Medical College, Danigond Post Graduation Centre, Terdal, Bagalkot, Karnataka, INDIA. Author


Paripluta Yonivyapat, Pelvic Inflammatory disease, Yoni pichu, Triphaladi Ghrita


Pelvic inflammatory disease is a major problem to the health of young maiden. PID may be asymptomatic  or subclinical. The incidence varies from 1-2% per year among sexually active women. About 85% are  spontaneous infection in sexually active females of reproductive age. The 15% follow procedures, which  favors the organism to ascend up. PID affects one woman in 10 during her reproductive year 25% will  have serious sequels including infertility, pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, Hysterectomy, Oophorectomy.  In our classics Paripluta is one among yonivyapat explained with dominancy of Pitta- Vata predominance  as mentioned in Bhavaprakash in Yonirogadhikar, so mentioned above herbal preparation has been trial  here. 



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How to Cite

Mathapati, S. P., Rawal, P. K., & Shiraguppi, S. (2021). Clinical Study To Evaluate The Efficacy Of Triphaladi Ghrita Yonipichu In Paripluta Yonivyapat With Special Reference To Pelvic Inflammatory Disease . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(8), 29-37.