Role of Samvardhana Ghrit in the Management of Childhood Disability Disorders: A Review


  • M N S Marasingha MD Scholar, Department of Kaumarbhritya, National Institute of Ayurveda, deemed to be University, Jaipur Author
  • Nisha Kumari Ojha Associate Professor and Head of the Department, Department of Kaumarbhritya, National Institute of Ayurveda, deemed to be University, Jaipur Author


samvardhana ghrit, ayurveda, disability disorder, childhood


Today development disabilities are emerging as a new problem of society. While  disability is discussed particularly in children, about a quarter of chronic childhood  problems are neurological in origin. Disability treatment and management in the  world is a big challenge. The Ayurveda medicine (like Vatashamaka drug and  Medhya drug) and along with Panchkarma procedures will help at possible level  for the rehabilitation towards lives with potential of independence. Samvardhana Ghrit is mentioned in the Lehadhyaya chapter of the Kashyapa Samhita. It is used  to promote healthy growth of child without interference from disease, as well as to  improve or treat impaired conditions in children who are Pangu (lame), Muka (dumb), Ashruti (deaf), and Jada (idiot).  Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of Samvardhana ghrit in the management of  childhood disability disorders.  Materials and Methods: A literature review was conducted with the help of many  important Ayurvedic and Modern textbooks, and article published in various  journals.  Result and discussion: Present review reveals that the ingredients of  Samvardhana Ghrit have action on the brain and nervous system. Further, as the  formulation is in ghrit form, it can easily cross the blood brain barrier and show its  effect. Conclusion: Samvardhana Ghrit can be used for the management of  childhood disability disorder. However, additional panchakarma and  physiotherapy may provide additional benefit to the patients.  



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How to Cite

Marasingha, M. N. S., & Ojha, N. K. (2022). Role of Samvardhana Ghrit in the Management of Childhood Disability Disorders: A Review . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(5), 156-164.