Role Of Ayurveda in Prevention of Communicable Diseases


  • Pratima Paudel PG Scholar, Department of Shalakya Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda (De-Novo), Jaipur, Rajasthan. Author
  • Shamsa Fiaz Professor & HOD Department of Shalakya Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda (De-Novo), Jaipur, Rajasthan. Author
  • Malashree S G PhD Scholar Department of Shalakya Tantra, National Institute of Ayurveda (De-Novo), Jaipur, Rajasthan. Author


Communicable Diseases, Janapadodhvansa, Svasthavritta, Sadvritta, Aupasargika vyadhi


Infectious or communicable diseases can be defined as an illness caused by  another living agent, or its products, that can spread from one person to  another, can cause emergency situation. Ayurveda has given practical  explanation about the communicable diseases in various contexts which are  applicable in day-to-day life in their prevention, and cure. The modes of  transmission of the Communicable diseases, relative modes of prevention,  and maintenance of health with Dinacharya & Ritucharya (daily practice &  Seasonal practice) are well illustrated in classics. Various modes of  transmission of the communicable diseases by Touch, Inhalation, Sharing  Fomites, Polluted water, Air, Soil have been explained in Ayurveda along  with the symptoms seen normally which follow cough, dyspnea, vomiting,  rhinorrhoea, headache, fever etc. Infectious agents are plentiful, mutate  rapidly, and can become resistant to drugs if not destroyed completely. Low  vaccination rates, poor nutrition, age (young and elderly), and  immunosuppression, Overcrowding, poor regional design and hygiene due to  poverty, Polluted drinking water, rapid climate changes, and natural disasters,  can lead to conditions that allow easier transmission of disease. The first and  foremost aim of Ayurveda is Prevention of diseases and next is the cure of  manifested diseases for which avoidance of the causative factors is the first  line of management. There are minor diversions in the management of such  infective conditions in Ayurveda such as Sadvritta (good conduct), Rasayana etc which can be effective method of prevention of communicable diseases. 


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How to Cite

Paudel, P., Fiaz, S., & S G, M. (2022). Role Of Ayurveda in Prevention of Communicable Diseases . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(5), 148-151.