Study of Meda Dhatu With Special Reference to Obesity


  • SUMAN YADAV PG scholar, Department of Sharir Rachana, National institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan Author
  • SUNIL KUMAR Prof. and Head, Department of Sharir Rachana, National institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan Author



Adipose tissue, Meda, Obesity, Santarpanajanya Vyadhi, Sthaulya


Basically, obesity is a lifestyle disorder and also most common nutritional disorders, defined as  excess body weight and fat that possess health risk. In the present days Sthaulya or obesity is a very  important disease, which is increasing very rapidly in the world. Meda acts as the main Dushya in Sthaulya  which has an immense importance. Sneha Dhatu which has quite similarities to the concentrated Ghrita  termed as Meda, which has been practically seen in the fat deposition sites like as subcutaneous tissue,  superficial fascia and omentum. Any derangement of the normal pathophysiology of the Meda Dhatu leads  to several disorders, obesity is one of them. The distribution and role of Meda in Sthaulya is the same as the  adipose tissue in obesity. However, in modern medical science, any effective medicine is not found till  today, so Ayurveda can help in this condition by its holistic approach and by maintaining the Meda Dhatu in a balanced state. It is obligatory to understand its roots, prior to the treatment of this disorder. 



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How to Cite

YADAV, S., & KUMAR, S. (2020). Study of Meda Dhatu With Special Reference to Obesity. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(10), 265-272.