Clinical Indications Of Chandraprabha Vati An Experiential And Scientific View


  • Acharya G Shripathi Director Academic and WHO Collaborator Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences Manipal India. Author
  • Miss Rajeshwari S Acharya Miss Rajeshwari S Acharya SDM College of Ayurveda Udupi , India . Author



Chandraprabha vati, Ayurveda medicine, Rasayana


Herbo mineral formulations are becoming popular in the current medical practice and are often used  by Ayurveda physicians. Pravala panchamrita rasa, mrityunjaya rasa, Agnitundi vati, yogaraja  guggulu , Kaishora guggulu , Sootashekhara rasa, Swasakuthara rasa, and Makaradhwaja vati are  few such formulations which are used in both acute and chronic and especially in non-communicable  disorders . There are least side effects even after prolonged usage of these drugs. Chandraprabha vati is one such Herbo mineral formulation which is used especially in gynae disorders, urinary disorders  and in pain management. Apart from some herbal drugs, mineral drugs like Swarna makshika Bhasma  , Shilajatu and Guggulu are main ingredients in this formulation . Apart from disease specific usage,  it can also be used to increase Hb %, it is useful as Vayasthapana, rasayana and antiaging also.[1][2][3]  The present paper highlights about the clinical indications of Chandraprabha vati in an experiential  and scientific view.  



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How to Cite

Shripathi , A. G., & Acharya, M. R. S. (2021). Clinical Indications Of Chandraprabha Vati An Experiential And Scientific View. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(4), 223-227.