A Clinical Study of Agnikarma and Navak Guggulu in The Management of Medaja Granthi W.S.R. To Lipoma- A Research Article


  • Mukesh Gupta P.G. Scholar, PG Department of Shalya Tantra; M.M.M. Govt. Ayurveda College, Udaipur, Author
  • Mahesh Dixit Principal & H.O.D; PG Department of Shalya Tantra; M.M.M. Govt. Ayurveda College, Udaipur Author
  • Hari Mohan Meena Professor, PG Department of Shalya Tantra; M.M.M. Govt. Ayurveda College, Udaipur Author
  • Namo Narayan Meena Associate Prof., PG Department of Shalya Tantra; M.M.M. Govt. Ayurveda College, Udaipur Author




Lipoma, Dushya, Doshas, Dhatus, Granthi Roga, Medaja Granthi, Medaja Vyadhi, Agnikarma, Para-surgical


A Lipoma is a benign neoplasm arising from yellow fat. Often it can be hyperplasia or combination of  neoplasm and hyperplasia. Deep lipomas are commonly intramuscular. These are common in lower limbs  (45 %), trunk (17%), shoulder and upper limb. These are more common in men. Lipomas are found in  body of two types of variability, single and multiple. Single lipoma is common. It is usually superficial in  subcutaneous area but can be deep also. According to Ayurveda, benign tumors are characterized as  Granthi Roga. According to Ayurveda literature, they usually grow in proportion to body fat. These are  comparatively large, fatty swellings with Kapha at the root of these tumors, they present as being soft.  Vata contributes to the condition, causing the tumors to also have a movable nature. These granthis are of  increased itching or tingling nature but less or no pain. Medaja Granthi exudates Ghee (clarified butter)  like or white fatty fluid discharge. Ayurveda also implements broad line of management of Granthi Roga  like medicinal and para-surgical approach. In Ayurveda, Acharya sushruta has described that Agnikarma is beneficial in Medaja Granthi Roga. There are many oral medications also described by many Acharyas for Medaja Vyadhis. 



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How to Cite

Gupta, M., Dixit, M., Meena, H. M., & Meena, N. N. (2021). A Clinical Study of Agnikarma and Navak Guggulu in The Management of Medaja Granthi W.S.R. To Lipoma- A Research Article. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(9), 9-18. https://doi.org/10.48165/