A Review Paper on the Role of Shirodhara A Non-Pharmacological Intervention in the Management of Insomnia.


  • Rani Pooja Panchakarma Vaidya, All India Institute of Ayurveda, Gautam Puri, Sarita Viahar, Delhi Author
  • Sahu Subash Associate Professor & HOD, Department of Dravyaguna, Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan, Khera Dabar, Najafgarh, New Delhi. Author




Nidra, Insomnia, Moordhinitaila, Shirodhara


Objective: The goal of this study was to look at the mode of action of Shirodhara  and how it affects the levels of neurotransmitters in those who suffer from  insomnia. 

Data Source:Brihatrayi and Laghutrayi were accessed through the NIIMH  website, as well as newer texts both online and offline. 

Review Method: The mode of action of shirodhara and its influence on sleep regulating neurotransmitters were the main topics of discussion in the literature  study. For scientific explanation and therapeutic application, both Ayurvedic and  

modern texts have been assembled with its effect on neurotransmitter levels. Result: The current period of pandemic conditions, as well as Covid-like events,  has resulted in a slew of mental health concerns and sleep disturbances. It has  been discovered that stressful situations produce a neurotransmitter imbalance.  Quality sleep may heal half of all ailments, which is why it is considered one of  life's essential sub-pillars. Additionally, due to its effectiveness and lack of side  effects, a movement from pharmacological to nonpharmacological therapy has  been noted. 

Conclusion: Shirodhara therapy is a panchakarma procedure in which a  medicinal liquid is poured continuously and rhythmically over the forehead.  Acharya Vagbhatta characterized it as a sort of Moordhini taila. Shiroabhyang,  Shiroseka, Shiropichu, and Shirobasti are all part of the Moordhinitaila. Sleep is  an important component in determining life expectancy. Shirodhara therapy is  regarded as an excellent nonpharmacological treatment for insomnia in  Ayurveda



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How to Cite

Pooja, R., & Subash, S. (2022). A Review Paper on the Role of Shirodhara A Non-Pharmacological Intervention in the Management of Insomnia . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(1), 137-141. https://doi.org/10.48165/