Influence of Direct-Fed Microbials on In-Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility, Rumen Fermentation Parameters and its Economics in Adult Sheep


  • Rahul K Dangi Animal Nutrition Research Station, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University, Anand-388001, Gujarat, India.
  • Makbul A Shekh Animal Nutrition Research Station, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University, Anand-388001, Gujarat, India.
  • Shailesh V Shah Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University, Anand-388001, Gujarat, India.
  • Priyam H Agravat Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University, Anand-388001, Gujarat, India.
  • Jitender Sherawat Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University, Anand-388001, Gujarat, India.
  • Prachand Pratap Singh Department of Veterinary Parasitology, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University, Anand-388001, Gujarat, India.



Ammonia nitrogen, DFM, IVDMD, pH, Sheep, Rumen Fermentation


The present study was aimed to find out the effect of direct fed microbials (DFM) on in-vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), rumen  fermentation parameters and its economics in 20 adult sheep. Based on the promising results from the laboratory-based in-vitro trials  (49.55% IVDMD), the in-vivo study with a selected 2% level of DFM was further investigated. The sheep were arbitrarily split into two  equal groups of ten each. The animals under T1 and T2 were fed compound concentrate mixture and roughage in conventional farm  feeding as per ICAR (2013), additionally treatment group (T2) was supplemented with 2% DFM. The results for rumen fermentation pattern  revealed that the average pH and TVFA values for T1 and T2 did not differ significantly. The experimental animals of DFM treatment  group showed significantly (p<0.05) higher concentration of average total nitrogen (118.91 Vs. 100.71 mg/dL). The ammonia N, NPN  concentration and TCA precipitable nitrogen concentration values were found to be non-significant (p>0.05) between two groups,  while the ammonia N concentration was significantly (p<0.05) higher at 3 and 6 h post-feeding in both control and treatment group.  The TCA precipitable nitrogen concentration values in rumen liquor neither differed significantly between groups nor at different time  intervals post-feeding. 


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How to Cite

Dangi, R. K., Shekh, M. A., Shah, S. V., Agravat, P. H., Sherawat, J., & Singh, P. P. (2024). Influence of Direct-Fed Microbials on In-Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility, Rumen Fermentation Parameters and its Economics in Adult Sheep . Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 20(6), 89-93.