Lameness and Radiological Evaluation of Elastic Plate  Osteosynthesis using Veterinary Cuttable Plates for Tibial  Fracture Repair in Immature Dogs with and without Platelet  Rich Plasma


  • Rajath MS Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Veterinary College (KVAFSU), Bengaluru-570024, Karnataka, India
  • Nagaraju N Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Veterinary College (KVAFSU), Hassan-573202, Karnataka, India
  • Nagaraja B N Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Veterinary College (KVAFSU), Bengaluru-570024, Karnataka, India
  • Srinivasa Murthy K M Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Veterinary College (KVAFSU), Bengaluru-570024, Karnataka, India
  • Manjunatha K Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Veterinary College (KVAFSU), Bengaluru-570024, Karnataka, India
  • Balappanavar B R Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Veterinary College (KVAFSU), Bengaluru-570024, Karnataka, India



Dog, Elastic plate osteosynthesis, Platelet rich plasma, Tibial fracture, Veterinary cuttable plates



The present study was carried out on 12 clinical cases to compare elastic plate osteosynthesis using veterinary cuttable plates for tibial  fracture repair in young dogs with and without platelet rich plasma. Young dogs with tibial diaphyseal fractures were randomly divided  into two groups: Group A, dogs stabilized with Veterinary Cuttable Plate (VCP) and application of activated Platelet rich plasma (PRP)  perioperatively, whereas Group B, stabilized with VCP without application of PRP. Fracture stabilization using VCP provided relative stability,  micromotion at the fracture site resulting in secondary bone healing. All the dogs of group A had Grade V lameness preoperatively,  showed Grade I lameness by end of 60 days, whereas out of six dogs in group B which had Grade V lameness preoperatively, one dog  had Grade II lameness by the end of study period. Radiologically, all dogs of group A and B showed alignment of bone fragments and  implants in situ on 1st post-operative day. In group A callus formation was noticed on 30th day and by end of 60th day remodelling was  observed with corticomedullary continuity. In group B, varying amount of callus formation was noticed by 45th day and complete bone  healing via bridging callus formation by 60th day suggesting complete bone healing. Considering lameness grade and radiological  healing during the study period, group A dogs showed marginally early fracture healing, and weight-bearing compared to group B  dogs. PRP application accelerated bone healing and improved early limb function.  


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How to Cite

MS, . R. . ., N, . N. ., B N, N. ., Murthy K M, . S. . ., K, M. . ., & B R, B. . . (2024). Lameness and Radiological Evaluation of Elastic Plate  Osteosynthesis using Veterinary Cuttable Plates for Tibial  Fracture Repair in Immature Dogs with and without Platelet  Rich Plasma. Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 20(6), 46-51.