
  • S H Vyavahare Department of Veterinary Biochemistry Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Akola (M.S.)-444 104.
  • S W Bonde Department of Veterinary Biochemistry Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Akola (M.S.)-444 104.
  • N S Mangle Department of Veterinary Biochemistry Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Akola (M.S.)-444 104.
  • V A Ballamwar Department of Veterinary Biochemistry Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Akola (M.S.)-444 104.
  • S P Waghmare Department of Veterinary Biochemistry Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Akola (M.S.)-444 104.



CMT, SCC, LDH, Mastitis, Milk-whey


An experiment was conducted to investigate the change in the activity of lactate dehydrogenase (EC in the milk-whey and blood-plasma associated with udder health status of cows. A total of 60 quarter milk samples were collected on the basis of clinical examination of udder and California Mastitis Test (CMT) score, and grouped as normal, subclinical (1+, 2+, 3+) and clinical. The pH and somatic cell count (SCC) were determined in the whole milk and the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity was estimated in the milk whey and blood-plasma, collected from the cows under study. The average values of pH and SCC in whole milk samples differ significantly among different udder health groups and revealed a direct relationship with CMT score and the LDH activity in milk-whey. The LDH activity in milk-whey differs significantly among different udder health status, however, it did not differ significantly in blood-plasma. The assay of LDH activity in milk-whey is therefore recommended to be useful parameter to assess the udder health status of the cows. 


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How to Cite

Vyavahare, S. H., Bonde, S. W., Mangle, N. S., Ballamwar , V. A., & Waghmare , S. P. (2009). ALTERATION IN LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE ACTIVITY IN COW MILK RELATED TO UDDER HEALTH STATUS. Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 5(2), 68-70.