Submarine Teaching Model for High Order Thinking Skills Application


  • Mohan Rathakrishnan University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Saralah Devi Mariamdaran Chethiyar University Lecturer, Program Psychology & Counselling, School of Applied Psychology, Social Work & Policy, (SAPSP), College of Arts & Sciences (CAS), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), +606010, Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia.



Submarine Teaching Model, Critical Thinking Skills, High Order Thinking Skills Education Centre Lecturers


The lecturers at the Education Centre of University Utara Malaysia (UUM) were  introduced to the importance of higher-order thinking skills in cultivating future  human resources through the submarine model. This study aims to determine if  students demonstrate higher-order thinking skills and if the Submarine Teaching  Model (STM) is suitable for educational purposes. Education Centre teachers often  perceive education students to possess a high level of intelligence, as evidenced by  the Submarine teaching methodology. Students with exceptional critical thinking  skills sometimes need more attention due to academic shortcomings. The study  utilises the STM to supplement the theories of constructivism and behaviourism.  It comprises both intrinsic and extrinsic cognitive abilities. Ten Education Centre  lecturers were designated to respond to the research questions. The relevance  of STM was assessed using semi-structured interviews utilising normative descriptive instruments. These instruments utilised questionnaire methodology  and usability assessment models as references. The study was conducted by  submitting seven questions and engaging in conversations using Google Forms  and WebEx. The study’s findings indicate that Education Centre lecturers possess  a comprehensive understanding of the student’s higher-order thinking skills and  capacities as depicted in this model and effectively incorporate these into their  teaching practices. 


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How to Cite

Rathakrishnan, M., & Devi, S. (2024). Submarine Teaching Model for High Order Thinking Skills Application . International Journal of Rehabilitation and Special Education (IJRSE) , 4(1), 28-33.