Transformative Fusion: Vision Transformers and GPT-2 Unleashing New Frontiers in Image Captioning within Image Processing


  • Indrani Vasireddy Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Geethanjali College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India Author
  • G HimaBindu Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Geethanjali College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India Author
  • B Ratnamala Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Geethanjali College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India Author


Image Caption Generator Vision Transformers (ViT) GPT-2 Computer Vision Natural Language Processing


In the ever-evolving digital landscape, this paper presents an innovative Image Caption  Generator that seamlessly merges Vision Transformers  (ViT) and GPT-2. By combining the strengths of  computer vision and natural language processing (NLP),  our paper aims to extract significant image features using  ViT and generate contextual, human-like descriptions  through GPT-2. The resultant system boasts an intuitive  interface, allowing users to effortlessly receive coherent  captions for uploaded images. This ground breaking  technology holds immense potential for the visually  impaired community, enhancing image-based content  accessibility and overall user experiences. The primary objective of our image caption generator  paper is to develop a sys-tem that automates the  generation of descriptive and coherent textual captions  for images. This endeavor involves the integration of  computer vision and NLP techniques, enabling the system  to analyze the content of an image and produce relevant  and meaningful textual descriptions. The broader goal is  to improve the accessibility of visual content, enhance  image search capabilities, and facilitate applications such  as automated content tagging. Furthermore, the paper  addresses the needs of visually impaired individuals by  providing assistive technology that interprets and  communicates image content effectively. This paper exemplifies the symbiotic relationship  between computer vision and NLP, illustrating how their  integration can pave the way for transformative AI  applications. The resulting synergy not only contributes  to the development of advanced image captioning  systems but also opens avenues for innovative  applications across diverse domains. The conference  presentation will delve into the technical aspects of our  approach, showcasing the significance of this integration  and its potential impact on the future of AI applications. 


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How to Cite

Transformative Fusion: Vision Transformers and GPT-2 Unleashing New Frontiers in Image Captioning within Image Processing . (2023). International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management, 10(6), 55-59.