Comparative Study Of A Multi Storey Complex Building With Cfst Columns


  • Junaid Mohammad Bhat M.Tech Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering,RIMT University, Punjab, India Author
  • Brahamjeet Singh Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering,RIMT University, Punjab, India Author


Earthquake zones, multi-storey building, CFST columns, ETABS computer code program, complex buildings


From the last few decades, the use of  concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns has been very  popular particularly Due to rapid on-going horizontal  development and restricted vertical development of  buildings has resulted in congestion of cities and shrinkage  of agricultural land, particularly in high seismic zones. For  vertical development, there is a need for the construction of  buildings as high as possible. The restriction to the vertical  development is due to the reason that high rise structures are  more vulnerable to lateral loads acting on the building  resulting from the seismic events. With a background in  view, the current work studies the seismic responses of a  multi-storey complex building with concrete-filled steel tube  columns (CFST). In the present study, three buildings with plan dimensions  35m x 30m of G+12 stories, with earthquake zone-V and soil  type medium were modelled with varying columns types.  The design and analysis were carried out using equivalent  static method and response spectrum method as per IS-1893  2016. The total height of the building was taken as 42m with  the height of each floor as 3.5m. The conclusion was made  after studying parameters like Base Shear, Max. story  displacement, Max. storey drift, Total Dead load of the  structure, Max. time period, and Storey Shear. All the  building models meet the allowable limit for safe design. It  was concluded that the building with CFST columns has  better resistance at high seismic zones and the cross-sectional  dimensions required by building with CFST columns to pass  the design check are lesser than the other types of columns.


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How to Cite

Comparative Study Of A Multi Storey Complex Building With Cfst Columns . (2022). International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management, 9(2), 478-481.