A Study of Non-Motorized Vehicles on Traffic Flow Parameters


  • Karubi Altaf M. tech Scholar Highway and Transportation Engineering, RIMT University, Punjab, India. Author
  • Brahamjeet Singh Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, RIMT University, Punjab, India. Author


Non-Motorised Vehicles, Motorised Vehicles, Mixed Traffic, Flow Parameters


In countries like India we generally can  find a mixed traffic i.e. a traffic flow consisting of all types  of vehicles like cycle, rickshaw, car, bus etc. In Indian  cities the share of non motorized vehicles at peak hours is  too high. In every public transport, mode of transport  involves access trips by non motorised vehicles at each  end. Non-motorised vehicles provide door to door service  in congested parts of cities. Thus, non-motorized mode of  traffic plays a very important role in meeting travel  demand in countries like India. To design a traffic facility  it is necessary to understand the behaviour of the traffic  stream. Understanding the behaviour of a traffic stream  with mixed traffic is quite complex. In this work an attempt  has been made to study the effect of non-motorized  vehicles on mixed traffic movement. Traffic volume data  was collected from Majri Crossing and Zirakpur-Patiala  Crossing for 30 minutes. This data was then analysed with  the help of fundamental diagrams. It was seen that with an  increase in the percentage of non-motorised vehicles the  flow, density and speed are adversely affected. Density  decreases at a particular flow rate when the percentage of  non- motorised vehicles increases. It was seen that with  increased non-motorised vehicles adversely affects the  capacity of the road. Along with this, a study on the pattern  of vehicular occupancy of non motorised vehicles and  motorised vehicles was done.


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How to Cite

A Study of Non-Motorized Vehicles on Traffic Flow Parameters . (2022). International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management, 9(2), 451-454. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/ijirem/article/view/11089