Morphometric Analysis and Prioritisation of Purinabal  Watershed of Sind


  • Iramqayoom Shah scholar, Department of Civil Engineering ,RIMTUniversity, Punjab ,147301(India) Author
  • Simarjot kaur Assistant professor, Department of Civil Engineering ,RIMT University,Punjab,147301(India) Author
  • Sandeep Singhla Head of the Department , Department of Civil Engineering , RIMT University ,147301(India) Author


morphometry, prioritization, watershed


Prioritization of watersheds has grown in  importance in natural resource management, particularly  in the context of watershed management. The prioritizing  approach finds the most important watersheds for  management. Morphometric analysis has been widely used  to prioritize watersheds since a basin's watershed features  indicate its physical and morphological traits, which are  used to synthesize its hydrological response. The current  work attempts to prioritize micro-watersheds in the Sindh  Catchment of Ganderbal district, Jammu and Kashmir,  using morphometric metricsand GIS methodologies.  Various morphometric characteristics, namely linear and  shape parameters, were obtained for each micro-watershed  using Survey of India (SOI) top of sheets at 1:50,000 scale  and assigned rankings based on value relationship to arrive  at a computed value for a final ranking of the micro watersheds. The investigation found that the overall  number and length of stream segments are greatest in first  order streams and decrease as stream order increases. 


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How to Cite

Morphometric Analysis and Prioritisation of Purinabal  Watershed of Sind. (2022). International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management, 9(2), 511-520.