Analysis and Design of Multistorey Building by Using Staad Pro Software


  • Sakib Salam Sofi Scholar, Civil Engineering Department, RIMT University Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab (INDIA) Author
  • Er Ashish Kumar Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department RIMT University Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab (INDIA) Author


STAAD- pro, AutoCAD, Multistorey, Design, Analysis, Hospital Building


Structural design is the primary aspect of  

civil engineering. The foremost basic in structural  engineering is the design of simple basic components and  members of building viz., slabs, beams, columns and  footings. The first step in any design is to decide the plan  of the particular building. The location of beams and  columns are decided. Then the vertical loads like dead and  live loads are calculated. Once the loads are obtained, the  component which takes the load first i.e. the slabs can be  designed. From the slabs, the loads are transferred to the  beams. The loads coming from the slabs onto the beam  may be trapezoidal or triangular. Depending on this, the  beam may be designed. The loads (mainly shear) from the  beams are then transferred to the columns. For designing  columns, it is necessary to know the moments they are  subjected to. For this purpose, frame analysis is done by  Moment Distribution Method. Most of the columns  designed in this project were considered to be axially  loaded with uniaxial bending. Finally, the footings are  designed based on the loading from the column and also  the soil bearing capacity value for that particular area. All  component parts are checked for strength and stability.The building was initially designed as per IS 456: 2000  without considering earthquake loads using  software. Then the building was analyzed for earthquake  loads as per Equivalent static analysis method and after  obtaining the base shear as per IS1893: 2002. 


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How to Cite

Analysis and Design of Multistorey Building by Using Staad Pro Software . (2022). International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management, 9(2), 403-407.