Use of Waste Paper Sludge Ash as Supplementary Cementious Material in M20 Concrete


  • Danish Qadir M. Tech Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab, India Author
  • Brahamjeet Singh Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab, India Author



Waste paper sludge ash, Flexural strength test, Split tensile strength test


In this modern age concrete and cement  mortar are abundantly used in construction. Large amount  of industrial waste are generated and if these wastes are not  correctly used it will cause negative impact , thinking about  environment, concrete engineers are trying to find out some  cementitious materials which will have more strengthening  ability and less impact on environment than cement. During the processing of cement huge quantity of CO2 is  discharged into the surroundings, so to find out the  replacement for cement we are approaching towards the  clean and pollution free atmosphere. In the same way,  during this research work we are using waste paper sludge  ash as supplementary cementitious material. The paper sludge which is the byproduct of paper mill  which is obtained during the manufacturing and recycling  of paper. By using of waste paper sludge in concrete as  supplementary cementitious material also increases strength  in the concrete like compressive, flexural and split tensile  strength. The paper sludge ash is used in the concrete in  different values from varying percentage of 2% to 10%.  During the manufacturing of the concrete all the codes have  been followed for mixing .In this manufacturing process  cubes of size (150*150*150) mm and cylinders of  (150*300) mm were made with the change in percentage of  WPSA. The specimens which were casted were properly  cured and all the tests were conducted on them. The test  which was performed on the samples were split tensile,  Flexural, Compressive strength, Normal consistency test  etc. It has been observed and recorded that the strength of  the samples was increasing with the addition of the waste  paper sludge ash. 


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How to Cite

Use of Waste Paper Sludge Ash as Supplementary Cementious Material in M20 Concrete . (2023). International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management, 10(5), 6-11.