Seismic Analysis of Vertically Irregular RC Building Frame With and Without Shear Wall Using NBC 105:2020


  • Basu Dhakal M.Tech Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab, India Author
  • Richika Rathore Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab, India Author


Base Shear, Storey Shear, Seismic Analysis, Storey Drift


Buildings will always have some kind of  irregularity about them. The behaviour of buildings with  typical types of irregularities, including vertical and planar  ones, has to be examined, especially in the context of  earthquakes. The fundamental goal of earthquake  engineering is to design and construct a structure in such a  manner that the damage to the building and its structural  components during an earthquake is minimised by taking the  necessary safeguards. Seismic excitations may cause a wide  range of damage to buildings. Damages in the system are not  uniform nor consistent, even when accounting for the same  structural structure, area, and earthquake. A building's  seismic behaviour is determined by a number of factors,  including the building's structural system, the nature of the  earthquake, the building's quality, the soil in its location, and  any repairs that have been made. The current research shows  how both typical and atypical structures behave. Ten-story  buildings are the focus of the current investigation. ETABS 2016 was used to create the building's model. This thesis  analyses both regular and irregular schedules. For the sake of  analysis, the X and Y axes are subjected to a variety of loads,  including dead load, live load, and seismic load. According  to NBC 105:2020, a number of load configurations are taken  into account. An investigation into the seismic behaviour of  buildings with regular and irregular plans is presented in this  thesis. The primary goal of this study is to compare the  seismic performance of buildings with regular and irregular  floor plans. The current research analyses models of RCC  buildings with G+9 storeys and both regular and irregular  floor plans. Using the ETABS programme, we do a dynamic  study of the model. Final comparisons of seismic response  findings are made between various time periods; base shear,  storey shear, member forces, overturning moments,  displacement, stiffness, and drifts. 



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How to Cite

Seismic Analysis of Vertically Irregular RC Building Frame With and Without Shear Wall Using NBC 105:2020 . (2022). International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management, 9(5), 168-174.