LiDAR for Object Detection in Self Driving Cars


  • Nisha Charaya Assistant Professor, Department Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amity University, Gurgaon, Haryana, India Author



Autonomous Self-driving, Driverless, LiDAR, Object classification, Object detection


Self driving cars are the major invention in  vehicular automation. These cars use sensors to perceive the  surrounding and control accordingly. Object detection  becomes a major task in these driverless cars. In this study,  utilization of LiDAR to automatically control speed,  braking, and safety systems in response to sudden changes  in traffic conditions is presented. The aim of this study is to  do precise and quick object detection for LiDAR based self driving cars. This work proposes image processing to be  used to identify and differentiate similar looking objects so  that carefully calculated driving decisions can be taken.


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How to Cite

LiDAR for Object Detection in Self Driving Cars . (2023). International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management, 10(3), 131–133.