Investigate the Usage of Geosynthetic Material in Highway Pavement Plan


  • Mohit M.Tech Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, SBBS University, Khiala, Jalandhar, Punjab, India Author
  • Er Susheel Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, SBBS University, Khiala, Jalandhar, Punjab, India Author



Specific Gravity, Liquid and Plastic Limit of Soil, Standard Proctor Compaction, Geogrids, Bitumen


 The geosynthetic fortification is one of the  procedures taken to upgrade their life span and productivity  to diminish the corruption of these structures. The most  thought behind this proposal centers on to display and talk  about the different discoveries from a number of investigates  on using the geosynthetics within the adaptable asphalts.  The different employments of geogrids which are partition,  strain absorbing, and support specialist in asphalt structures  which can be examined in this proposition. Weaker soils  which are generally clayey and broad in nature and are  subsequently having lesser quality characteristics. By  utilizing geogrids in this sort of soil which increment the  solidness and stack carrying capacity of the soil by  fragmentary interaction between the soil and geogrid fabric  progressing dark cotton soil. The different loads that are  coming onto the street surface is transfered underneath the  supporting subgrade. In this work the locally accessible sub grade soil of street is progressed by the expansion of geogrid  fabric in different layers from the foot layer and the foremost  reasonable layer for laying of geogrid situation will be  dissected. Geogrid has moreover been utilized to ponder the  headways in properties of broad soils which has moreover  been considered. 



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How to Cite

Investigate the Usage of Geosynthetic Material in Highway Pavement Plan . (2023). International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management, 10(3), 53-59.