Band Gap Engineering of Wurtzite Silicon by Uniaxial Pressure


  • Ziwei Cui Space Star Technology CO., LTD., Beijing, China Author


Electronic properties, Wurtzite silicon, Uniaxial pressure


Electronic properties of wurtzite silicon  (WZ-Si) are investigated by first-principle calculation. It is  found that WZ-Si is an indirect band-gap semiconductor at  ambient condition. A uniaxial strain along the c-direction can  reduce the direct energy gap at Γ significantly. Calculated  pressure needed to compress WZ-Si is not too high, which  shows strained WZ-Si would be potential in practical use.  The effective mass of electron is found strongly dependent on  strain which could be used to tailor the transport properties. 



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How to Cite

Band Gap Engineering of Wurtzite Silicon by Uniaxial Pressure . (2024). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 5(2), 230-233.