Practicing LSB Steganography in PCA Transform Field


  • Mahdi Koohi Electrical and computer engineering faculty, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran. Author


Steganography, PCA, LSB, Image processing, watermarking, noise


PCA conversion defines one main stream and  two sub-streams for the color of homogenous areas. This  subject has led to design some effective algorithms for the  processing of colored images such as coloring, changing the  color, compressing and Steganography. LSB is considered one  of the oldest methods in secret information Steganography in  images. There have been some various designs for this method.  Using a compound method can lead to some new algorithms.  This paper presents a new method for secret information  Steganography.  


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How to Cite

Practicing LSB Steganography in PCA Transform Field . (2017). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 5(3), 281-286.