The Role of Competing Reactions in Kinetics of Nonbranched-Chain Addition Processes of Free Radicals to Alkenes and Their Derivatives


  • Michael M Silaev Chemistry Faculty , Lomonosov Moscow State University, Vorobievy Gory, Moscow, Russia. Author


Low-Reactive Radical, Autoinhibitor, Competing Reaction, Kinetic Equation, Energy


The reaction scheme is suggested for the initiated  nonbranched-chain addition of free radicals to the double bonds  of the unsaturated compounds. The proposed scheme includes the reaction competing with chain propagation reactions through  a reactive free radical. The chain evolution stage in this scheme  involves three types of free radicals. One of them is relatively  low-reactive and inhibits the chain process by shortening of the  kinetic chain length. Based on the suggested scheme, four rate  equations (containing one to three parameters to be determined  directly) are deduced using quasi-steady-state treatment. These  equations provide good fits for the nonmonotonic (peaking)  dependences of the formation rates of the molecular products  (1:1 adducts) on the concentration of the unsaturated component  in binary systems consisting of a saturated component  (hydrocarbon, alcohol, etc.) and an unsaturated component  (alkene, allyl alcohol, etc.). The unsaturated compound in these  systems is both a reactant and an autoinhibitor generating low reactive free radicals. The energetics of the key radical-molecule  reactions is considered. 


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How to Cite

The Role of Competing Reactions in Kinetics of Nonbranched-Chain Addition Processes of Free Radicals to Alkenes and Their Derivatives. (2017). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 5(3), 261–266. Retrieved from