Privacy-Preserving in FiDoop, Mining of  Frequent Itemsets from Outsourced  Transaction Databases


  • Nithin C Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru, India. Author
  • A V Krishna Mohan Assistant Proffesor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru, India. Author


Distributed computing has helped enthusiasm  for a worldview called Datamining-as-a-service. This  framework is useful for the organizations lack in specialized  persons and processing asset empower to compute ,it enforces  them to outsource their information to the outsider for data  mining undertakings. In this work, we examine the strategy  to safeguard security for frequent itemset mining in  outsourced exchange databases and utilizing FiDoop  calculation to process the infrequent itemsets from the  outsourced datasets on the server side. A novel strategy used  to accomplish k-support anonymity in light of measurable  perceptions on the datasets to safeguard the security of the  outsourced dataset. To decide frequent itemset at the  distributed computing side from the database that gotten  from various associations by utilizing a parallel mining for  frequent itemsets, algorithm called FiDoop utilizing the  programming model of MapReduce. FiDoop coordinate  frequent itemset ultrametric (FIU)tree rather than  customary FP-tree to empower the packed stockpiling of the  mined information and to stay away from conditional pattern  based information. Three MapReduce tasks are utilized to  mine the information from the outsourced data. In the  significant third MapReduce undertaking, the mappers  autonomously break down itemsets that delivered from  second MapReduce, the reducers perform blend operations  by building FIU-tree. 


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How to Cite

Privacy-Preserving in FiDoop, Mining of  Frequent Itemsets from Outsourced  Transaction Databases. (2017). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 5(3), 268-273.