Ethylene Glycol: Kinetics of the Formation from Methanol–Formaldehyde Solutions


  • Michael M Silaev Silaev, Chemistry Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia Author


Methanol, Formaldehyde, Formation, Ethylene Glycol, Radiation-Chemical Yield, Rate Equation.


mechanism and kinetics are  developed for the initiated nonbranched-chain formation  of ethylene glycol in methanol–formaldehyde solutions at  formaldehyde concentrations of 0.1–3.1 mol dm–3and  temperatures of 373–473 K. The experimental  concentrations of the free unsolvated form of  formaldehyde are given at the different temperatures and  total concentrations of formaldehyde in methanol. The  experimental dependence of the radiation-chemical yields  of ethylene glycol on formaldehyde concentration in  γ-radiolysis of methanol–formaldehyde solutions at 373– 473 K is shown. At a formaldehyde concentration of 1.4  mol dm–3and T = 473 K, the radiation-chemical yield of  ethylene glycol is 139 molecules per 100 eV. The  effective activation energy of ethylene glycol formation is  25 ± 3 kJ mol–1. The quasi-steady-state treatment of the  reaction network suggested here led to a rate equation  accounting for the nonmonotonic dependence of the  ethylene glycol formation rate on the concentration of the  free (unsolvated) form of dissolved formaldehyde. It is  demonstrated that the peak in this dependence is due to  the competition between methanol and CH2=O for  reacting with the adduct radical HOCH2CH2O•.


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How to Cite

Ethylene Glycol: Kinetics of the Formation from Methanol–Formaldehyde Solutions . (2020). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 8(1), 1-5.