Performance and Improvement of Linguistic Data Analysis on Different Languages Using Deep Learnedness Techniques


  • Venkateswaran Radhakrishnan Faculty-Information Technology Department, College of Computing and Information Sciences, University of Technology and Applied Sciences-Salalah, Oman Author
  • Asadi Srinivasulu Researcher, Global Canter for Environmental remediation, College of Engineering, Science and Environment, The University of Newcastle, Australia Author
  • Suresh Palarimath Faculty-Information Technology Department, College of Computing and Information Sciences, University of Technology and Applied Sciences-Salalah, Oman Author
  • Rogelio Gutierrez Faculty-Information Technology Department, College of Computing and Information Sciences, University of Technology and Applied Sciences-Salalah, Oman Author
  • Kumar C Praveen Faculty-Information Technology Department, College of Computing and Information Sciences, University of Technology and Applied Sciences-Salalah, Oman Author


Linguistics Data, Autoencoders, Deep learnedness, Prediction, CNN, RNN, ECNN, ERNN, Data minelaying, Feature Selection, Data Pre-processing


India is an assorted country with various  kinds of societies in each edge of the country. This is an  organization of 30 states and 8 association regions with  various dialects and particular social legacy. Thus, there  have been many discussions on the beginning of the  constitution, and the worry of the public language. It is said  about the language of India, "The language expressed in  India changes very much like the flavour of water changes  in India each couple of kilometres". Nonetheless, India does  not have a public language as there is an impressive contrast  between an authority language and a public language.  infusion synopsis of message archives generally comprises  of positioning the record string of words and separating the  highest-level string of words subject to the rundown  dimension requirements. We investigate and commitment  of different directed acquisition calculations to the string of  words positioning assignment. That is the reason, we  present an original string of words positioning philosophy  in view of the similitude score between an up-and-comer  string of words and touchstone rundowns. The famous  direct relapse framework accomplished the high-grade  outcomes in undeniably assessed datasets. Moreover, the  direct relapse framework, which included Part-of-Speech  supported highlights, beat the same with factual elements as  it were. The proposed framework beat than the current  framework with boundaries/measurements as precision  (81.43%), blunder rate (0.13), val_loss (0.41), val_accuracy  (0.50), size of dataset utilized in research (1.30 GB), No. of  ages (50), Time-intricacy (O(n2)) and execution time (1012  ms). 


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How to Cite

Performance and Improvement of Linguistic Data Analysis on Different Languages Using Deep Learnedness Techniques . (2023). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 11(6), 32-38.