Impact of Agriculture on Water Pollution: A Review


  • Nasir Manzoor Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur Author


Agricultural polluters, aquatic ecosystems, resource depletion, pesticide pollution


Agriculture significantly alters the  natural condition of all freshwater systems. Examining  specific impacts of certain chemicals on separate taxa or  sub-societies in river systems was the previous  reductionist notion of pollution, which was basically an  Eco toxicological concept. It is currently less effective  than a extra rounded method that considers the scheme as  a whole and incorporates physical effects such as river  channel drainage and physical alteration, catchment  modification, and nutrient, particle, and biocide  contamination. The European Water Framework  Directive acknowledges this indirectly by mandating the  restoration of water bodies to a condition of "excellent  ecological quality," which is defined as "just slightly  different from pristine." The consequences for  agricultural organization are much more serious than  most people realize. 


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How to Cite

Impact of Agriculture on Water Pollution: A Review . (2021). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 9(1), 42-45.