Meta-Modeling of AI for Software Modularization


  • Ahmet Egesoy Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Ege University, İzmir, Turkey Author


AI, Model-driven, Semiotic


Recent developments in artificial  intelligence have surprisingly been only on the  machine-learning related technologies. This growing trend  brings new hardships to the already problematic AI  programming sector that looks like a zoo of paradigms. AI is  unfortunately full of incompatible technologies that can  hardly cooperate in a common multidisciplinary project.  These technologies are also under the threat of being  abandoned in favor of the emerging machine learning  techniques. However, there are many valuable ideas and  concepts in the classical AI approaches that can be quite  useful in the awaiting challenges of general AI. Such a great  endeavor will necessitate everything we know about  representing and processing knowledge. Meta-modeling of  the AI domain as a whole can bring about model driven  development as a glue for the fragmented development  efforts. In the long run it also has the capacity to trigger a  unification and revival of the art of AI programming around  a more structured central paradigm. 


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How to Cite

Meta-Modeling of AI for Software Modularization. (2021). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 9(1), 26–32. Retrieved from